Friday, March 14, 2008

New President?

I have been reflecting myself about our current President, Administration and present political system... I felt hopelessness.

Would our economy improve, by ousting the president?
I am not pro or anti President GMA, but I don't see any good reason kicking her out of the palace! It's the corrupt persons around her that I am concern about, the same persons that brought her up the presidency.

If she gets ousted, who will take the seat? History will repeat itself, another group of corrupt politicians and with self serving interest businessmen will use another dummy, a person with clean and respectable background and can be manipulated for their self-gaining adventures.

As I see it, It's hopeless until we put the right person suited for presidency, a person that can not be dictated or manipulated and will do anything to serve his country and get rid or at least minimized corruption.

Politicians seems to have detailed informations on others and uses it to make or break another politician or the president herself.

I guess there were several persons who are credible, and wants to stand-up for his country and expose corruptions in the government but were afraid because at the end of the day..... these same persons will always be there, FREE, behind the back of another president.
These politicians knows exactly what is happening. It would be hard to prove because the network of corruption is so vast, that it could lead back to them... backfiring.... the accuser becomes the accused.

Some good, god-fearing, and responsible politicians exerts so much time and effort to make things right and bring justice to all... but not enough, like being rail-roded over-and-over again, maybe because they don't have the number. I am not an expert but on my opinion in any group for instance, the person who had the numbers win. Therefore if the bad persons got the number, it's easy to fry, pressure, delay or worst cover-up when things get on their way.

THERE ARE MORE TO PONDER..... who will be the next possible candidate or president and I ended up saying to myself, what ever happens, whether President GMA gets ousted or not, Do not loose hope, there will come a time that the next possible president WILL SERVE and NOT BE SERVED.

Thus, I pray..... shower us with your guidance, strength, hope, and love. Make each of us an instrument of peace. May our politicians realize that they were to serve the interest of the people and not be served. May they find the need to be a servant and be united in their efforts to make things a better life. Thanks be to god.

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